
Surgery is in just a few weeks and I’m finding it harder to find time to do anything. I think my energy has been drained over the past week because we haven’t gotten out as much due to the crazy snowstorm we had. Since we couldn’t get out into the deep woods, we have taken a few hikes. But mostly, we have been focusing on detox and rejuvenating yoga. Before the snow, it was warm enough for us to do it out on the porch…talk about perfection.

I guess this post is a mash up of things that have happened, yet to happen and my completely random thoughts. Surprisingly enough, my mom seems pretty calm. I know that she is nervous about surgery, but she is also extremely confident with her team. This is definitely making it easier for her and everyone else. I’m excited for this all to be over with.

I know it is going to be some time before it is behind us, but my positivity has not left me. It continues to make me stronger everyday. My whole life I have always known my mom was a strong woman, but now I am seeing her at her toughest. I am so impressed with her.

We have covered a few parks, nothing crazy. We are finding that some parks are not worth visiting because the trails are only a mile or so. Something that has been pretty cool is checking out some new food places. As a complete foodie, this has been awesome. The Hidden Valley Eatery in Washington Depot was delicious and most of the products are local. Its time to take advantage of the next few days before surgery!

Happy Trails

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